Department of Biological Science and Technology is the result of merging the Cellular and Molecular Biology from the Faculty of Sciences, Marine Biotechnology and Marin Environmental Science from the Faculty of Marine Science and Technology in August 2020. In 2011, Cellular and Molecular Biology and Marine Biotechnology started their activities with the admission of master students at the Faculties of Sciences and Marine Sciences and Technologies. In addition, Marine Environmental Sciences started its activities by accepting master students at the Faculty of Marine Sciences and Technologies in 2016. This group has continued its activities at the Faculty of Nano and bio Science and Technology since August 2020. The undergraduate course in cellular and molecular biology will started in October 2021 with the admission of 35 students.
1- Basic researches:
in the field of Biological and Environmental sciences
2- Biotechnology:
Extraction, production, and evaluation of the effectiveness of natural or manipulated bioproducts and their commercialization
3- Marine Environmental Sciences:
Synthesis and commercialization of nano-products based on nano-bio for Industrial applications.
Active in the Cellular and Molecular Biology, Biotechnology and Environmental Science in the marine fields
Personal medicine, especially in cardio vascular system